PoEVault's Ice Shot Deadeye Gear,Jewels and Flasks (PoE Settlers of Kalguur)
Path of Building
If you are a newer player and crafting scares you, please check out this guide from Velyna as it goes over a lot of very important things and might be helpful to you: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/beginners-guide-to-crafting-and-upgrading-in-path-of-exile
Included in the Path of Building are levelling trees, gear choices, the final product and some notes. Elemental resistances are normally not included on gear, to prevent newer players from trying to get too exact copies of the rare items involved. As this build only features ONE rare item that has any resistances at all, they have been left on the item to make it clear that you will need them at roughly those levels.
We use the Path of Building Community Fork for all of our builds, which is highly recommended. If you are encountering errors importing the build, please ensure you are using the Community Fork.
Gear Summary / TL;DR
These items strike a balance between power and cost-effectiveness.
Our recommendation:
Item Slot | Item Name |
Head | ![]() |
Amulet | ![]() |
Chest | ![]() |
Gloves | ![]() |
Boots | Rare ![]() |
Belt | Rare ![]() |
Rings | ![]() |
Bow | Rare ![]() |
Quiver | ![]() |
Heatshiver Is more or less the only choice here. The damage modifiers on this helmet are simply unparalleled and you can treat it as simply being 30% of damage as extra. On top of that, it comes with quite decent resistances and an acceptable Evasion rating.
Hyrri's Ire Simply offers too much to be passed on here. A massive amount of flat cold damage to attacks, combined with 30% spell suppression and close to (or with a really good roll past) 3K evasion it is an amazing package. The extra duration of chill effects is nice as well, but it should never really be relevant.
Murder Boots Will be the primary rare base of choice here. The reason for this is that we need intelligence from somewhere. As the rest of our gear except the bow happens to be unique, the int modifier has to come from here. To permit intelligence to even roll on boots, it has to have an energy shield modifier of some kind.
This item needs to do a fair bit for us once we move into the final build with all of the unique items equipped, and the priority goes as follows:
- +# to maximum life. We want at least 70, but more is always better.
#+#% to Lightning Resistance. We are going to need roughly 40%, but slightly lower values can do. - Open suffix to craft “#% chance to avoid elemental ailments”.
The way to make these boots yourself, is to grab a base with Fractured Movement Speed, hit it with Shrieking Essence of Spite. Once you hit 48 int and life, with an open suffix, you’re done. Whatever additional stats you get is pure bonus.
These boots are cheap to make and will help fill out our ailment avoidance.
The recommendation here is going to be a pair of
- Maximum Life
- Any Tier of % chance to suppress spell damage
- Attack Speed, preferably high tier
- Cold damage to attacks, preferably high tier
To make these yourself, purchase a pair of gloves with fractured spell suppression. Bottom roll (10%) will work just fine, so get any pair you can. Rolls do NOT matter here.
Reforge speed until you hit attack speed and life. If you hit cold damage, bench is entirely open. If you did not, bench cold to attacks.
Bow and Quiver
What we really want from this slot is a tri-ele bow with at least a tiny bit of additional crit on it. An open suffix for crafting attack speed is nice and will make a world of difference.
The base of choice for this is going to be a Spine Bow, as it strikes a balance between Attack Speed and Crit Chance.
Getting values quite as high as the ones you see in the PoB could prove difficult, and might require a Fractured base, or a lucky Rog. Rog is the crafting NPC from Expedition and is amazing at making triple elemental weapons, landing a great item with RoG is often referred to as “RoGPoG” and feels great.
For league starting I would suggest you simply throw some Hatred Essences of decently high tier at a good bow base and hope to hit something. If you hit crit chance, attack speed or any other elemental damage roll along with an open suffix, it will be good enough to clear at the very least early yellows and cost you rather little.
As we are a crit-based bow build, that also enjoys attack speed, we strongly prefer the Spine Bow base. This matters as the wrong bow base can gimp your finished product by a truly shocking amount.
Good old Voidfletcher is going to be our choice for this slot. It offers rather a lot. The implicit scales all of our elemental damage, it adds a really large amount of flat cold damage to attacks, it has a decent cold resistance roll and it offers us void shots. Void Shots hit surprisingly hard and help on single targets.
As the Void Shots tend towards being a bit slow, they are not included in the damage calculations in the PoB as it’s very hard to predict exactly how many of them will actually hit the target.
It is theoretically possible to surpass VoidFletcher with a really good quiver, but the expense involved causes it to not be worth it for this build.
Yoke of Suffering is our amulet of choice. It is a deceptively strong amulet, often underestimated by newer players. It does several things for us, all of which we like. Let’s go over them in turn. It provides us with an onyx implicit for all attributes, which is incredibly nice when we struggle to cap both strength and intelligence. It also comes with 3 resistance modifiers, two of which scale to quite acceptable heights. It also permits us to shock targets with elemental damage that is not lightning based, and on top of that gives us a damage modifier for each ailment we have inflicted on a target. As we inflict Chill, Frozen, Shocked and Ignited that modifier comes to 20% increased damage taken by the target. Overall an amazing little package.
For the ring slot in this build, we will be doubling up on a unique ring, The Taming.
This ring offers us a wide range of interesting and powerful modifiers.
First of all, a well-rolled Taming offers us 40% to all elemental resistances, or 120% elemental resistances if you will. Once catalysed, these numbers go all the way up to 48% to all or 144% elemental resistance.
This means these rings can make up for the lack of resistances on our other gear.
30% increased elemental damage is a nice damage modifier and helps us kill things.
The final modifier on Taming reads “20% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments per Freeze, Shock and Ignite on the target”. For simplicity, we count this as 60%, as we always have at least 1 of each on the target.
This means these rings offer us between 120-144% elemental resistances, and 90% increased elemental damage. Each.
The current recommendation here is going to be a Stygian Vise. You’ll ideally want some form of damage modifier on this piece of gear, such as “increased elemental damage with attack skills”, “attack speed during flask effect” or something such along with a life roll of 80-90+.
If you can get these three things along with any other stats such as resistances or the likely, you have a pretty good belt.
This build features two unique jewels, both of which do and/or offer a lot to/for the build.
The first is pretty simple, Ancestral Vision. We utilise this jewel to help reach immunity cap.
The second jewel, Lethal Pride is both more complicated and more flexible.
At its core, we utilize this jewel to add an incredibly large amount of strength to the various small nodes inside its radius. As it is affecting 25 small nodes within that radius, and each grants us 4 strength, that is 100 strength we do not need to get on our gear. The importance of this part of the jewel alone CANNOT be understated.
Early on you should simply get any lethal pride you can in order to access the strength modifier, and then concern yourself with getting good modifiers later on.
There are some really strong modifiers available on this jewel, including double damage, extra strength, physical damage taken as ele, elemental resistances and the list goes on.
Our primary recommendation when looking for such a jewel, however, is to look for double damage and strength. These two modifiers strike a good balance between simplifying other gear choices and providing raw damage in heaps.
*Doctor’s Jade Flask or Incision
*Doctor’s Quicksilver Flask of the Skink
*Doctor’s Diamond Flask of the Dove
*Doctor’s Silver Flask of the Impala
* Dying Sun
You do not need to have the exact suffixes we have, on the exact flasks that we have them on. As long as you get the following suffix modifiers across your flasks, that is entirely fine:
Crit Chance
Immunity to Bleeding/Corrupting Blood
Attack Speed
Increased Evasion Rating