PoE Vault Premium FAQ

- What Are Premium Accounts? Read answer
- Why Support PoE Vault? Read answer
- How Do I Sign Up? Read answer
- How Much Does It Cost? Read answer
- International Credit Card Fees Read answer
- What Do I Get Exactly? Read answer
- What Happens to the Money? Read answer
- How do I Change, Cancel, or Check the Status of my Premium Membership? Read answer
- Refund Policy Read answer
- Is my Credit Card Information Safe? Read answer
- How To Contact You In Case Of Problems? Read answer
What Are Premium Accounts?
A premium account lets you pay a small monthly/yearly sum to support PoE Vault, in exchange for which you will no longer be shown any ads on the site and tracking will be removed from the web.
Why Support PoE Vault?
- Professionalism. At PoE Vault, every contributor is paid. We have contracts with all of our writers whereby we share earnings with them on their guides or news (with one of the best rates in the industry). So, by supporting PoE Vault, you will support a site that cares a great deal about its contributors.
- Ad Quality. Currently ads are our only source of revenue. This puts us in a position of relative weakness when dealing with advertisers, because we do need the money and it can be hard to refuse some ad formats/campaigns. That said, we do strive to get our readers a good experience on our website, have always refused intrusive formats, and try to work with only the most reputable ad partners around. By supporting PoE Vault, you will make us more independent from advertising, which will give us more leverage in our dealings with advertisers and improve the overall ad quality of the website for those who cannot afford premium, but still want to contribute to the site by not turning on an ad blocker.
How Do I Sign Up?
Click Remove Ads at the top of the page to start the process of registering for Premium.
If you have a PoE Vault account already, you must log in to it and that account will become Premium. If you have no account, you must first create one to be able to access Premium.
How Much Does It Cost?
Our Premium membership starts at 2 euros (or US dollars) per month (20 per year).
If you subscribe for 6 month or a year, you get a 10% or 20% discount, respectively.
You can freely change the currency from euros to US dollars.
International Credit Card Fees
Because PoE Vault is based in France, it is possible that your credit card company or your bank decides to apply an international payment fee, even if the transaction is in the currency of your country (we allow USD and EUR). You would need to look into your bank's or credit card's documentation to find out the exact amount, but it usually is a very small percentage of the sum you paid (2% to 3%).
What Do I Get Exactly?
When you are logged in when a Premium account, you get the following perks:
- No Ads / No Tracking. All javascript code is removed from the site, with the exception of what is strictly required for site functionality (tooltips, menus, etc.). This means that no ad code is loaded and that no one can track you on the site, not even us.
- Special Premium Supporter role on our Discord server. Just message Rootz, Vlad, Damien, or Nnatalia on the server to request it.
What Happens to the Money?
Part of the money will be redistributed to the writers and the rest will be used to improve the website. We have not committed to actual numbers yet, because we have no idea how many subscribers we will get.
How do I Change, Cancel, or Check the Status of my Premium Membership?
Click your username in the top right corner and then click on Manage subscriptions in the menu that appears. When cancelling a subscription, you will continue to benefit from it until its renewal date, at which time it will end instead of renewing itself for another month/year. Similarly, when changing the amount of your subscription, this will only affect your future payments.
Refund Policy
If you experience issues with your premium subscription, we will refund your first payment, as a way to apologize and say thank you for helping us improve the premium system.
If you are unhappy with your premium subscription and want a refund, please contact us at contact@poe-vault.com.
Is my Credit Card Information Safe?
Yes, it is. As mentioned on the payment page, we do not store or even see your payment information. Everything is processed directly by Braintree, the payment processor we are using. They are a subsidiary of PayPal. On the payment page, you can inspect the fields and you will see that they are coded as iframes from Braintree, so we cannot access their content.